Work Week #3—Apr 30-May 4

This week we only had 4 working days because May 1 was the Labor day holiday. Here’s how the week went:


  • Applied all SOA changes & send to user for follow up
  • Updated the Academy guide


Labor day weekend.


  • Did a PPT presentation for social comms
  • 1:1 meeting
  • Drafted the screens for the K2 to SAP integration. This is something new from the usual. The steps included the approval process from one unit to the Finance department.
  • Did some overtime work on the content styling for the Commencement site


  • Fixed the sticky navigation bar for Commencement and sent it out to users for comments
  • Fixed the all caps titles from Academy
  • Team meeting
  • Afternoon meeting with social comms


  • Half the day spent working out the details for the upcoming social comms event next week
  • At around 3pm, our developer helped me add back the missing sliding banner module in the Commencement dev site (turns out I just needed to paste the master slider folder under modules), he also taught me how to create a new region (edited the info.yml and the page.twig.html files)
  • After this I tried to layout the plan for the GA sales funnel, but it looks like it’s not as straightforward as it seems, so I just proceeded to work on some tickets from Zendesk

Next Week

  • Monday: Academy site launch, Masters site changes, Finalize the edits and styles in Commencement, Draft the Academy event tracking/funnel test
  • Tuesday: start with BAcc changes, Social Comms meeting in the afternoon
  • Wednesday: finalize BAcc changes, start with SOE homepage and microsite
  • Thursday: finalize SOE studies, team meeting (share funnel, SOE homepage, updated Masters)
  • Friday: Social Comms event

Minor things: delegate form creation, reminder email for social comms, photo-editing tickets, add VWO to all school sites, verify K2 to SAP integration screens

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