Work Week #12 – July 2-6


Bulk of the work was spent working on the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) microsite. I have started this in the morning, then ended at around 3PM in the afternoon.

This is a mockup of the programme microsite. The end user has expressed interest to have two different microsites for different majors of the same degree, but after deliberating internally, we have decided against it.

After this, I consulted one of our developers on how to edit the Google Analytics funnel for Academy.

In the middle of all these, I managed to squeeze in a ticket for an event called Digital: Works. The requester wanted to link certain parts of an image. I didn’t know this can still be done using the current HTML, but it turns out, with the <map> tag, I can do it pretty easily.


For Tuesday, I have work on the Commencement video listing. Doing this required some tinkering with the javascript created by our developer.

I got some idea of how the .append() function works. The original table listing had the schedule of each ceremonies in a separate <td>, but I had wanted to combine it. In the end I just appended the date variable to the name variable, and added the class and html tags manually, so instead of:


it became:

dtName.append("<td class="time">" + dtDate + "</td>");

I also met with some members of the marketing department regarding subscribing to, had a 1:1 with my boss, and lastly, I had updated a few things on the SOA site.


Spent the morning doing the Commencement video, this time adding some bootstrap tabs to the different years. There was a meeting with the social committee. Spent the afternoon trying out UXPin.


I was on sick leave.


Changed the logo placement in the Commencement site and started working on the print stylesheets for Academy. In the afternoon the team went out to explore Gardens by the Bay.

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